Do you think WordPress is the best CMS in the world?

Evolved as a blogging platform and today secured its position as the most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS). 

What do you think WordPress is the best CMS? I will wait for your answers in the comment section. And if I need to answer it even I don’t know. 

No, I am not denying WordPress is the best; after all, it’s the first choice for most of the bloggers, an eCommerce website designing company in Delhi, WooCommerce mobile app developers, and novice. Simple, intuitive, easy to learn, no technical skill we have plenty of reasons to like this CMS. But each coin has two sides. This commanding, popular tool also carries a few demerits. So in this article I am not only going to explain advantages’, benefits of this CMS, also going to share the disadvantages it holds.  Let’s have a glance at both sides and answer after reading it. 


Free, free, free

What would be more astonishing when some finer thing comes without any fee? Truly speaking I liked this amazing tool because it’s absolutely free with plentiful features and ample customization potentials. It serves the purpose of everyone whether you are a small businessman or running branded and famous enterprise. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. What’s the benefit of open source? A benefit of open source is that source code can be modified by anyone. You can alter existing features or can craft a new app. 

Awesome, Helpful Community

A very strong team of professional web developers, consultants, and others continuously works and supports this software. Advanced tutorials, forums serve best for any query.  You won’t find a more active & helpful community than the WordPress community. This default and the free ongoing support community is the backbone of this open-source software. 



The Dedicated WordPress community is also well aware of the possibilities of business expansion. How much your business is expanded by Single blog or a multi-site website, without compromising on the quality you can run a fully functional website. Scalability is the key feature of WordPress. 


Strong Backend

As an editor, an administrative panel of WordPress is also quite easy and user-responsive. Plenty of tasks involved such as managing content, publishing blog posts, uploading media, modifying, and removing content while you running a website or blog. With WordPress, there is no worry regarding these tasks. On the front of comparison with other CMS, we found that WordPress is much better and easy to use. 


Have the power to control multiple sites

WordPress allows you to control multiple websites with a single control/admin panel. It will make it easier for you to improve plugins and security tools from one single panel. 

At the time of any single modifications, we need to transfer the modified files to the server. But here in WordPress, there is no need for FTP software. In addition to this, you don’t need HTML editing software to edit and delete files from your website or to upload/download images, documents, video files, etc. 

WordPress is a versatile and powerful engine, also vulnerable to hackers because they know the system being open-source. It also sails over various drawbacks. 

Although a bit of knowledge of PHP is mandatory here. To give versatile look in the predefined template we need to good knowledge of CSS and HTML. Plenty of WordPress plugins are available and to get them a clean and crisp look with a fully functional website we need to install several plugins. Unnecessary involvement of several different plugins can slow down the site which is not good on the front of website performance. 

Now the decision is yours. Don’t forget to share it in the comment section.