Reasons That Proves the Increasing Importance of Laravel Development in 2017

A set of PHP files that facilitate programming with PHP is known as the Laravel PHP framework. Laravel makes it easy to carry out functions and methods to get the work done from complex functionalities. Laravel provides MVC pattern implementation that makes it easy to separate code logics from HTML.

The main purpose of the Laravel framework is to manage the logic and stylize the web application by acting as an intermediate system that easily connects to it. Most developers recommend Laravel due to the security features it provides and the fact that it is a very stable framework. There are many reasons that show how Laravel has increased its importance in recent years. Here we take a look at a few of these reasons that prove the growing importance of Laravel in 2020 and the coming years


Laravel makes it easy to build authorization systems 

Laravel has made it easy for developers to build authentication and authorization systems as everything is already built-into Laravel already. All you need to do is download and implement Laravel without having any compatibilities worries. Laravel also makes it very easy to organize authorization logic and also control the access that has been provided to the users. 

Laravel is Completely Secure

One of the key features of using Laravel is the security it provides. With the use of Laravel, you can be assured that your web application is completely secure. Laravel also provides complete security against any potential risks that can cause harm to your web application. According to a Laravel web application development company, the level of security is high as Laravel works as an intermediate function. Laravel ensures that your data remains secure and there is no danger of hacking or data stealing happening. 


Laravel allows a faster web application 

Laravel makes your work much faster. As per Laravel development companies, Laravel makes the entire web application process faster as it offers easy integration with the various tools involved. Laravel supports the most popular backend cache, thus making it possible for Laravel to provide a faster application to its users. In fact, it is the tool of choice for many web design and development companies

Laravel makes integration with mail services extremely easy 

Laravel already has prior integration with many mail services. It provides simple APIs for many popular mailing services. Apart from APIs, it also provides drivers that enable mailing applications to start sending emails through any kind of local or cloud-based servers easily and quickly. For example, Laravel provides an API for SwiftMailern, which is a popular library, helping you integrate your emails faster. Some of the drivers that Laravel offers include Amazon SES, SparPost, Mandrill, Mailgun, etc. 

Laravel provides complete support for testing 

The framework of Laravel comes integrated with a complete support for testing. This makes it easier and faster for the web application to encourage a behavior pattern amongst its users. There is also an ease of sending requests or in managing the various types of app outputs through the Laravel framework. 


From routing configuration to handling configurations, Laravel is there to make all your works easy and fast. These are just some of the reasons why Laravel development is now widely preferred over other frameworks by developers. Laravel comes with both ease and functions and is able to connect across different platforms with ease as well.