Mobile Marketing Benefits and Drawbacks

When e-marketing was introduced it earned huge popularity in no time because of its notable features, of easy & direct interaction with customers. It has completely changed the way of marketing & how companies were used to strategize their business. Several so-called best web Development Company provides high-quality mobile app development services to their users.

Mobile marketing provides its users with different advantages & ideas and ways to attract more leads, more customers, and more revenues. In spite of having various benefits, we can’t simply ignore the drawbacks of it. Yes, it too has some demerits which may be or may not be you have noticed.

In this article, we will be discussing the major benefits and drawbacks of mobile marketing. 


Benefits of Mobile Marketing: 

Ensures the Interaction: Almost everyone carries mobile today. Promoting something by sending messages ensures your product or service advertisement will reach to your targeted customers. According to the online data approx, 80 to 90 percent of people use online activities through handheld devices.

Various Content Sharing: Because of mobile marketing it is possible to promote using texts, images, or videos investing very little money.

Instant Feedback & Selling: Users can provide options for instant feedback & selling of their product while promoting it.

Quick Results: Mobile marketing helps to get a quicker result. Promotion takes very little time here so the outcomes of the business become clear faster.

Huge Viral Potential: A well-prepared ad can viral in no time thus the chances of sale keep going higher & higher

To the Point Niche: While creating a mobile AD, agencies keep in mind that the screen size is not big like a computer, so they keep only needing topics. Thus chances of better business increase. 

I think enough reasons have been mentioned above explaining the greatness of mobile marketing. Now let’s take a look at the cons that come with it. 

Drawbacks of Mobile Marketing: 

  • Like PCs or laptops, mobile devices don’t maintain any particular standard. Shapes, size, OS, everything varies mobile to mobile. So forming a particular campaign that can be supported by all those devices can get very difficult. Sometimes changes are high when mobile unable to deliver the high user experience. So it’s not necessary that mobile apps and websites will be responsive if your handheld devices are not kept in mind while designing them.
  • Privacy Issues: - It’s one of the biggest issues with mobile marketing. Users love their privacy and it should also understand and respect by Mobile marketers. Companies must provide promotional stuff only to the people who have allowed permission. Companies should respect one’s privacy and should not send any forced promotional advertisements.
    Image result for Privacy Issues
  • Navigation Issues:-Scrolling even with touch technology can be annoying sometimes.
  • Handheld devices take more time in testing as it needs to be tested on both the major operating systems: IOS and Android.
  • One of the major challenge faced by the mobiles are not all ads will display on all devices.
  • The performance rate is also slow in handheld devices. The data transfer rate is quite slow on mobile devices as compared with desktop devices. 

Mobile app development services are top-notch quality but these challenges are also important to handle.