Will Digital Marketing Completely Replace Offline Marketing in Future?

It’s not only difficult but also very important to make a choice between the online and traditional ways of marketing. Marketers consider digital marketing as the future of marketing because it’s a very effective way to target the local as well as international clients.

Digital marketing is not only the future of marketing but also the demand of the Present. Opportunities and the need for digital marketing are huge. Digital marketing is an important medium to connect with your prospects, fans, and followers, customers, and subscribers.

Its age of social media and digital marketing completely depends on social media so we can say that yes digital marketing is the future of marketing. From small-sized businesses to large-scale businesses, from e-commerce application development services to API integration services everyone gets involved in internet marketing.


Before electing we must learn the pros and cons of online as well as offline marketing because a choice between online and offline retail probably still isn’t simple.

Through traditional marketing, we can add a unique touch to our business and can articulate the business brand and motto in a more innovative way.

Traditional marketing is the easiest way to reach the target audience but there are several downsides that I have learned in my previous SEO company in Faridabad. For example, to measures, the outcomes are quite difficult in traditional marketing. For example, if you spend $400 per month on an ad, you really have no technique to identify how many people saw the ad.

In addition to it, offline marketing is also pricey as compared with online marketing.

On the other hand, through digital marketing, you can offer varied choices to your clients. For example, a user can read out your blog posts, they can watch the videos or comment on your Facebook posts. So the interaction between your business and client is simple and easy in a digital marketing way. While traditional marketing way has no such interaction options. An online option also involves various costing methods but still, it’s cheaper than offline.


With powerful tools such as Google Analytics and the insights tools, we can check the state of our campaigns in real-time. You can see the number of visitors to your website and its subscriber's increase, conversion rates, and much more. We can verify what is working or not and can also improve the deviations or flaws in the results at any time. A powerful digital marketing strategy can beat your competitors. A Mobile-First technology is the most important approach and digital strategies can easily be a part of this growing platform.

Though we can’t overlook the importance of offline way too so our recommendations go with both. Yes, digital marketing is better and surely will be the future of marketing but our marketing needs will not fulfill without a traditional way. No two customers are the same. there are so many customers with different taste and they choose different ways to engage with the brand, research the product, make a decision and buy the product; there is no way they are all taking the same steps towards your site or your services. So if we say only digital will remain the marketing way then it’s not fully true.

Digital marketing is definitely the present and the future of marketing.

Who Are The Best E-Commerce Mobile App Builder?

Today plenty of businesses are engaged in eCommerce application development services. The Huge Popularity of e-commerce platform rises because of the availability of unique and advanced solutions for any type of eCommerce Store. To convert a website into a Woocommerce mobile app for Android is quite easy which may be done in a few simple steps. Here I am going to enlist a few important eCommerce mobile app builders: 


Mobikul is a highly recommended and readymade e-commerce mobile app builder available in the market. Produced by the   Webkul, Mobikul is one of the most privileged and exceptional open code platforms in the e-commerce industry. It is majorly used to build Native iOS and Android applications for large eCommerce platforms like Magento, Magento2, Opencart, Cs-cart, Prestashop, Odoo, and, WooCommerce. No worry if have no knowledge of programming or coding, it works best on its promises. Its readymade and handy solutions can allow you to create apps for your eCommerce Store. This full packaged solution also offers full support and instant solution to the clients for their any queries or requirements. because of its remarkable features, it is used with the most popular e-commerce platforms like -

  • Magento - Magento Mobile App - Mobikul
  • Magento 2 - Magento 2 Mobile App - Mobikul
  • Opencart - Opencart Mobile App - Mobikul
  • CS-cart - CS-Cart Mobile App - Mobikul
  • Prestashop - Prestashop Mobile App - Mobikul
  • WooCommerce - WooCommerce Mobile App - Mobikul
  • Odoo - Odoo Mobile App - Mobikul 

Mobikul creates fully customized iOS and Android mobile applications with open source code for both eCommerce store and Marketplace. Mobikul is easily customizable with color, text, font, images, and themes. 

H&M is the most popular and highly expensive e-commerce app that offers plenty of key features including native user experience, barcode scanner, and content management system. In addition to this app manages to pack advanced features, like attaching photos to product pages inside the app, into an interface where everything is always one click away. With the combination of powerful features, its prices are also top-notching.

Approves is the most popular and best option for beginners or e-commerce start-ups who are not technology-based. Approves is a perfect option for every category of E-commerce namely b2b (business to business), b2c (business to customer), and c2c (customer to customer).

MageNative is also a famous application development platform that allows converting the website in the Mobile Application Environment. You can customize the app to match the brand image and publish it to meet the requirements of the front-end users.


Notable features MegaNative offers:

  • Attractive and User-Friendly Layout
  • developed as a native app
  • Better synchronization with the website.
  • Better Supports of all product types
  • allows barcode And QR Code Reader and Scanner 

Other Efficient Features to create large, powerful apps:-

  • Support all the payment methods.
  • Homepage Promotional Banner
  • Promotional Deals
  • Product Social Sharing
  • Google Maps
  • Google Analytics
  • Customize App Design
  • Filters, Sort 

To get the best results or outcomes it’s important to choose these options wisely to keep up with the market competition and also each app builder has its pros and cons. Still, you have some confusion about opting best eCommerce app builder tools then outsource the services of any leading eCommerce website development company in Delhi that has been building robust E-commerce stores that provide optimal functionality and enriched user experience. I hope this article may help you to choose the right mobile app builder for your business to reach success.

Do you think WordPress is the best CMS in the world?

Evolved as a blogging platform and today secured its position as the most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS). 

What do you think WordPress is the best CMS? I will wait for your answers in the comment section. And if I need to answer it even I don’t know. 

No, I am not denying WordPress is the best; after all, it’s the first choice for most of the bloggers, an eCommerce website designing company in Delhi, WooCommerce mobile app developers, and novice. Simple, intuitive, easy to learn, no technical skill we have plenty of reasons to like this CMS. But each coin has two sides. This commanding, popular tool also carries a few demerits. So in this article I am not only going to explain advantages’, benefits of this CMS, also going to share the disadvantages it holds.  Let’s have a glance at both sides and answer after reading it. 


Free, free, free

What would be more astonishing when some finer thing comes without any fee? Truly speaking I liked this amazing tool because it’s absolutely free with plentiful features and ample customization potentials. It serves the purpose of everyone whether you are a small businessman or running branded and famous enterprise. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. What’s the benefit of open source? A benefit of open source is that source code can be modified by anyone. You can alter existing features or can craft a new app. 

Awesome, Helpful Community

A very strong team of professional web developers, consultants, and others continuously works and supports this software. Advanced tutorials, forums serve best for any query.  You won’t find a more active & helpful community than the WordPress community. This default and the free ongoing support community is the backbone of this open-source software. 



The Dedicated WordPress community is also well aware of the possibilities of business expansion. How much your business is expanded by Single blog or a multi-site website, without compromising on the quality you can run a fully functional website. Scalability is the key feature of WordPress. 


Strong Backend

As an editor, an administrative panel of WordPress is also quite easy and user-responsive. Plenty of tasks involved such as managing content, publishing blog posts, uploading media, modifying, and removing content while you running a website or blog. With WordPress, there is no worry regarding these tasks. On the front of comparison with other CMS, we found that WordPress is much better and easy to use. 


Have the power to control multiple sites

WordPress allows you to control multiple websites with a single control/admin panel. It will make it easier for you to improve plugins and security tools from one single panel. 

At the time of any single modifications, we need to transfer the modified files to the server. But here in WordPress, there is no need for FTP software. In addition to this, you don’t need HTML editing software to edit and delete files from your website or to upload/download images, documents, video files, etc. 

WordPress is a versatile and powerful engine, also vulnerable to hackers because they know the system being open-source. It also sails over various drawbacks. 

Although a bit of knowledge of PHP is mandatory here. To give versatile look in the predefined template we need to good knowledge of CSS and HTML. Plenty of WordPress plugins are available and to get them a clean and crisp look with a fully functional website we need to install several plugins. Unnecessary involvement of several different plugins can slow down the site which is not good on the front of website performance. 

Now the decision is yours. Don’t forget to share it in the comment section.

What are the security essentials of a WordPress ecommerce site?

E-commerce websites are the main attraction to hackers and criminals. Attractive designs, better functionality, good marketing campaign, high-quality products and services and all your hard work to establish your business brand can be ruined in seconds if your website gets hacked by fraudsters. 

If you know it E-Commerce sites are the main targets for hackers and fraudsters because of the thousands of credit card and financial information and other personal information a typical E-Commerce site stores. 

Security is also a very crucial and important element of conversion and every best WordPress development company in India considers it. If it never happened to you that does mean will never happen. Don’t take a chance and put every important e-commerce website security measures in your business. In the age of information and the boom of e-commerce every day we can see new e-commerce businesses are popping up. And WordPress is only the platform that wraps up about 30-40 % of e-commerce worldwide on both large and small scale. 


To achieve data security on your eCommerce application development and to keep your customer data protected its must follow some effective secure ways.

In order to secure your websites or to cover up any holes in your security make sure you adopt these crucial points:- 


Use SSL certificates and ensure PCI compliance- It is one of the major considerations you should have in your mind while entering or while already established e-commerce business. An SSL is a digital certificate that encrypts data deliver between a web server and a web browser.

Robust SSL authentication can prevent losing your business security. In addition to it, you also understand that every financial operation should be PCI compliant. Because of these two important things you can make your website secure enough to grant their credit card data.  Your data loss is equivalent to your business loss and customer loss. 


Ask customers to use strong passwords

Weak passwords make it effortless for hackers. To reduce fraud and increase E-commerce website security you should set up strict password rules that force customers to use capital letters, special characters, and to have long passwords. 

Go for a Secure E-commerce Platform

Though plenty of options are into the marketplace for your e-commerce business what your research is a must before opting for a certain e-commerce platform. According to web security experts, any platform based on an object-oriented programming language with respective built-in security protocols can be the best choice. For example, if you use WordPress then make sure you also select WordPress security plugins so that it can add a new protection layer to your website. Your research can tell you what would be the best fit for your e-commerce business. 

Have multiple layers of security: - according to internet security experts that having multiple layers of security are one the best way which stops attackers gaining access to your network.

  • Ensure Dos and Don’ts protection with cloud-based services 

Install security patches on your system regularly: - website running on old versions of software and code are vulnerable as these are particular targets of attackers.

  • To make your WordPress site secure to make sure you are not setting up ‘admin’ as your username.
  • Change database table prefix with something unique as WordPress uses “wp_” by default.
  • A regular review of your plugins list is also a must. Delete anything that you’re not using or isn’t relevant any longer, and ensure what you are using is fully up to date.
  • Move your WordPress admin directory into a private directory on your server.
  • It is really important to make sure all your settings should be correct and for assistance WordPress also offers secret-key service.
  • An excellent way to store a user’s private information, such as credit card details, or a credit card authorization token by using an off-site payment gateway.
  • It’s also a good way to limit login attempts to save the business.

Reasons That Proves the Increasing Importance of Laravel Development in 2017

A set of PHP files that facilitate programming with PHP is known as the Laravel PHP framework. Laravel makes it easy to carry out functions and methods to get the work done from complex functionalities. Laravel provides MVC pattern implementation that makes it easy to separate code logics from HTML.

The main purpose of the Laravel framework is to manage the logic and stylize the web application by acting as an intermediate system that easily connects to it. Most developers recommend Laravel due to the security features it provides and the fact that it is a very stable framework. There are many reasons that show how Laravel has increased its importance in recent years. Here we take a look at a few of these reasons that prove the growing importance of Laravel in 2020 and the coming years


Laravel makes it easy to build authorization systems 

Laravel has made it easy for developers to build authentication and authorization systems as everything is already built-into Laravel already. All you need to do is download and implement Laravel without having any compatibilities worries. Laravel also makes it very easy to organize authorization logic and also control the access that has been provided to the users. 

Laravel is Completely Secure

One of the key features of using Laravel is the security it provides. With the use of Laravel, you can be assured that your web application is completely secure. Laravel also provides complete security against any potential risks that can cause harm to your web application. According to a Laravel web application development company, the level of security is high as Laravel works as an intermediate function. Laravel ensures that your data remains secure and there is no danger of hacking or data stealing happening. 


Laravel allows a faster web application 

Laravel makes your work much faster. As per Laravel development companies, Laravel makes the entire web application process faster as it offers easy integration with the various tools involved. Laravel supports the most popular backend cache, thus making it possible for Laravel to provide a faster application to its users. In fact, it is the tool of choice for many web design and development companies

Laravel makes integration with mail services extremely easy 

Laravel already has prior integration with many mail services. It provides simple APIs for many popular mailing services. Apart from APIs, it also provides drivers that enable mailing applications to start sending emails through any kind of local or cloud-based servers easily and quickly. For example, Laravel provides an API for SwiftMailern, which is a popular library, helping you integrate your emails faster. Some of the drivers that Laravel offers include Amazon SES, SparPost, Mandrill, Mailgun, etc. 

Laravel provides complete support for testing 

The framework of Laravel comes integrated with a complete support for testing. This makes it easier and faster for the web application to encourage a behavior pattern amongst its users. There is also an ease of sending requests or in managing the various types of app outputs through the Laravel framework. 


From routing configuration to handling configurations, Laravel is there to make all your works easy and fast. These are just some of the reasons why Laravel development is now widely preferred over other frameworks by developers. Laravel comes with both ease and functions and is able to connect across different platforms with ease as well.

How to Use A/B Testing To Convert Your Mobile Users

Commonly known as split testing, A/B testing is a method generally used for comparing two different versions of a website page to determine which is performing better. The comparison is done by showing the two variants of the web page to the same group of visitors at the same time. The results are determined by understanding which version of the web page has led to a better conversion rate. 

It is understandable that the goal of most eCommerce websites is to get visitors to buy more products. Carrying out an A/B test is a good manner of driving up the traffic rate to your website. You can even involve your existing traffic into this test and then maximize the benefits of this activity. There is no doubt that there is a huge amount of competition on both mobile apps as well as website users today. Therefore, every business owner is indulged in trying to figure out ways in which you can drive up your sales. Mobile app development services can help you come up with many such handy tools and tips. 


Sometimes you may reach a point of stagnation from where you are not able to determine any step further or understand what kind of changes to make to your mobile app to boost sales. This is where A/B testing comes in handy. A/B testing of mobile apps will allow you to determine the best version that can provide you with the greatest rate of conversions. Ultimately, converting leads into sales is what the goal of every business is. Any web design and development company can help you carry out an A/B testing. 

According to a WordPress development company in India, one has to consider that by simply conducting the A/B test once, you will not get any significant results. The test has to be performed a minimum of eight to ten times in order to get results that are statistically correct. The main advantage of A/B testing is that it generates actual live data and metrics from real-time customers and allows you the chance to improve your conversion rates. 

Also, read: How can a Mobile App benefit your E-Commerce Business?

A/B testing of your mobile apps is a very scientific way of reaching a conclusion. Not only does the test allow you to increase your conversion rates, but it also makes you become aware of the weak points in your conversion chain, thus helping you improve those for the future. You are able to carry out a complete analysis of page views, repeat visitors, new visitors, amount of time spent on your page, bounce rate, abandoned cart rates, and many other similar factors. 


A/B testing can also provide you with a solution on how you can go ahead and engage more customers to download your app and also promote your regular services in a manner that will appeal more to your regular customers, thus driving up your sales within your existing customer base. Your customers will also give you feedback on the various experiences they have had in using different mobile apps, thus providing you with an insight on what else is going on in the market that might be of interest to your product or brand. 

Consider A/B testing as a public poll platform that allows you to receive feedback without any bias. You can also ask whatever questions you have regarding your app and have customers or visitors respond to them. You can then choose the way forward from the best responses and choices that you receive during the A/B testing.

Mobile Marketing Benefits and Drawbacks

When e-marketing was introduced it earned huge popularity in no time because of its notable features, of easy & direct interaction with customers. It has completely changed the way of marketing & how companies were used to strategize their business. Several so-called best web Development Company provides high-quality mobile app development services to their users.

Mobile marketing provides its users with different advantages & ideas and ways to attract more leads, more customers, and more revenues. In spite of having various benefits, we can’t simply ignore the drawbacks of it. Yes, it too has some demerits which may be or may not be you have noticed.

In this article, we will be discussing the major benefits and drawbacks of mobile marketing. 


Benefits of Mobile Marketing: 

Ensures the Interaction: Almost everyone carries mobile today. Promoting something by sending messages ensures your product or service advertisement will reach to your targeted customers. According to the online data approx, 80 to 90 percent of people use online activities through handheld devices.

Various Content Sharing: Because of mobile marketing it is possible to promote using texts, images, or videos investing very little money.

Instant Feedback & Selling: Users can provide options for instant feedback & selling of their product while promoting it.

Quick Results: Mobile marketing helps to get a quicker result. Promotion takes very little time here so the outcomes of the business become clear faster.

Huge Viral Potential: A well-prepared ad can viral in no time thus the chances of sale keep going higher & higher

To the Point Niche: While creating a mobile AD, agencies keep in mind that the screen size is not big like a computer, so they keep only needing topics. Thus chances of better business increase. 

I think enough reasons have been mentioned above explaining the greatness of mobile marketing. Now let’s take a look at the cons that come with it. 

Drawbacks of Mobile Marketing: 

  • Like PCs or laptops, mobile devices don’t maintain any particular standard. Shapes, size, OS, everything varies mobile to mobile. So forming a particular campaign that can be supported by all those devices can get very difficult. Sometimes changes are high when mobile unable to deliver the high user experience. So it’s not necessary that mobile apps and websites will be responsive if your handheld devices are not kept in mind while designing them.
  • Privacy Issues: - It’s one of the biggest issues with mobile marketing. Users love their privacy and it should also understand and respect by Mobile marketers. Companies must provide promotional stuff only to the people who have allowed permission. Companies should respect one’s privacy and should not send any forced promotional advertisements.
    Image result for Privacy Issues
  • Navigation Issues:-Scrolling even with touch technology can be annoying sometimes.
  • Handheld devices take more time in testing as it needs to be tested on both the major operating systems: IOS and Android.
  • One of the major challenge faced by the mobiles are not all ads will display on all devices.
  • The performance rate is also slow in handheld devices. The data transfer rate is quite slow on mobile devices as compared with desktop devices. 

Mobile app development services are top-notch quality but these challenges are also important to handle.